A Flummox of Cheerleaders

Mom has a list of animal group names we wondered at. A murder of crows? Here is a list of people group names my Mom, Al, and I came up with on the drive down to Florida:

A wrastle of rednecks
A scintila of conspiracy theorists
A convenience of clercks
A visitation of nuns
A quadrangle of co-eds
An amalgem of dentists
A clot of cardiologists
A division of mathematicians
A gurgle of swimmers
A crop of farmers
A collection of artists
A double-clutch of truckers
A slew of fishermen
A rumor of reportors
A stand of protesters
A cacophany of musicians
A contumely of satarists
A deposit of bankers
An excerpt of editors
A relief of urinators
A mill of carpenters
A clump of gardeners
A tangle of hairdressers
A shuffle of seniors
A rotation of DJs
A great deal of salesmen
A share of socialists

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I'm j and I play: musician, web guy, family man.