New Kind of Gig: Secret Stages

I stopped playing bars and coffee shops last year opting this year to devote my music time to the podcast and working on a better model for performing. I’d noticed secret little stages around town and around my neighborhood, along Blunn creek where I take my dog Townes for a walk most days. So as the coolness of the spring dissipated, while the creek was flowing, I invited people on a tour of my favorite natural amphitheaters, playing a few songs acoustically at each spot. Knowing I wanted to be able to share the experience with all my friends around the country and world, I got some footage of it, along with DJ Bigface’s fantastic photographs!

You can hear the creek flowing right in front of me.



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I'm j and I play: musician, web guy, family man.

8 thoughts on “New Kind of Gig: Secret Stages”

  1. Hey J,
    I was goin’ through the email box that seems to never ever end. There were a few awesome things I stumbled upon that I had forgotten about. Your blog was one of them. Thank you so much for posting. I love your music, your site, and you and M as well. Reminds me of Austin 🙂

    Lots of West Coast Love,

  2. Jason,
    Too cool. I will be sure to catch a gig.
    Thanks for including me.

  3. I’ve done three concerts in two spots with about 20-25 people each time: The first and second were in the creek near my house and I didn’t bother to ask anyone. The third was on the campus where I work where I’d seen a great little amphitheater hidden away behind the alumni center. I asked if I could do a lunchtime concert there and they said yes. So…it was pretty easy.

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