God Has Been Good To Me

Stopped down by the riverside guitar in my hand
Watched the water drift by to promised land
Something amazing about this thing called grace
Something so compelling about that hidden face

When I was a little boy I never knew I knew
Everyday I got a little bit older I thought I knew what to do
But now I’m so much older and everything is strange
But my little boy heart keeps beating like noghting ever changed

And I’m thankful for it all
God has been good to me

Go down to the riverside, rich man see yourself
As the water drift by so one day will your wealth
But you can not take it with you to the promised land
Only way to drink that water is with an open hand

Go down to the riverside, mamma, stop your worryin’
A life without trust and courage is a life of sin
How you gonna swim to the otherside if you don’t get wet
How can you hit the jackpot if you don’t even place a bet

If you want to truly live you gotta get ready to die
If you wanna make it down below you gotta look so high
Not much I crazy whacked out world I can say is true
But work first for the Kingdom and all else will be added to you

How I Found My Sweet Spot as a Musician

When I was a boy I loved magic. I learned to be a magician to perform tricks for kids.
I got a guitar for my 16th bday and music became my magic. I wrote songs and played at church. The song was sacred.

Read the rest of the story… Continue reading How I Found My Sweet Spot as a Musician

Like A Blog!

My buddy Kris put this awesome blog rap take on Like A Boss. I helped him do a few lines and the lil j chorus (screwed down, of course).

Mr. Jones Thanks for holding this workshop
–No problem
So you do social media, is that right?
–Absolutely, I can blog
Okay, so take us through a day in the life of a blogger
–Well the first thing I do is…

Talk about myself (like a blog)
Approve comments (like a blog)
tags n categories (like a blog)
search engine optimize (like a blog)
post a LOLcat (like a blog)
pictures of my kids (like a blog)
install plugins (like a blog)
wax poetic (like a blog)
get political (like a blog)
show my ignorance (like a blog)
wallow in pity (like a blog)
make a newsletter (like a blog)
sign with godaddy (like a blog)
get crap service (like a blog)
Demand a refund (like a blog)
never get one (like a blog)
complain on twitter (like a blog)
usin’ short words (like a blog)
make a podcast (like a blog)
no one listens (like a blog)
tons of comments (like a blog)
from the spam bots (like a blog)
acai berries, cialis viagra and russian brides!
add a CAPTCHA (like a blog)
no one can read it (like a blog)
forget to update (like a blog)
lose my audience (like a blog)
solipsism (like a blog)
jump on facebook (like a blog)
playin’ farmville (like a blog)
credit card stolen (like a blog)
disconnect modem (like a blog)
grow a big beard (like a blog)
live off the grid (like a blog)
hunt my own food (like a blog)
act like ted nugent (like a blog)
catch scurvy (like a blog)
curl up in a ball (like a blog)
Now I’m dead (like a blog)

Uh huh. So that’s an average day for you then?
–No doubt
You catch scurvy and die?
And I think at one point there you said something about leaving the grid?
What do you mean?
Okay, well this has been eye opening for me
–I can blog
Yeah, no I got that. You said it about four-hundred times
–I can blog
Yeah yeah I got it!
–I can blog
No I heard you, see ya later