Here’s Doug, Gray, Shawn, and Steven playing “Sunshine” at ACLfest. Look at those kids dancing! Sorry the sound sucks so bad. I took it with my little Canon Powershot and it totally overloaded the mic. Jarle (the big guy who stands infront of the camera for the second half) told me to put a piece of tape with a pinhole in it over the mic. I’ll try that.
Category: uncategorized & miscellaneous
John Macintyre w/ The Sea and Cake
I saw The Sea and Cake at The Parish, 9/20. I love their sophisticated, almost jazzy pop. They are artistes. At least Sam Prekop and Archer Pruitt are, each with their own great solo albums more jazz and rock, respectively. They have the stage presence of wood. Or watching a tree rustle in the wind. Meanwhile, behind them, John Macintye is hammering out the beat with such insistence, joy, and precision, that you could see on his face how intensely he feels the songs and enjoys his craft. He must have been on something because he could hardly hide all the pride, inspiration, rigor, and command went into every beat. I finally went to the front of the stage and caught a little bit of video at the end of the third and last encore that captured a bit.
My cousin Matt Strawn has begun making stop-animation lego movies. Check out his YouTube channell, StrawnFilms. Here’s my favorite of his first three, Tranformers, in which the big truck helps the little guy from the bully-policeman storm trouper. Matt mentioned to me that he got the little guy on eBay, and it is a rarer Harry Potter lego-guy, which is perfect because Matt bears a striking resemblance to Harry – hair and glasses. So Matt, is this a slightly autobiographical fantasy? I love the theme: fight the power. Long live Matt, Harry, and the rebel alliance! Keep Stawnamating.