
Here’s a draft of a song I’m sketching for my next album.


Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Than a good way out
Tryin to pick the door

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Goofin’ off a bit
Finishin’ my chores

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Lightning to the head
While I’m out on tour

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Life by the reins
Spurs to the horse

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Than to fake suicide
And some distant shore

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Your name on my chest
Pedal to the floor

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Concentrated on my breath
In case I get one more

Speeding To My Death
Wantin nothin’ more
Than one more meal with friends
Not knowing how it ends

Caption Cartoon Contest #102

New Yorker Caption Cartoon Contest #102
“He figured out how to throw it himself, and we then we didn’t need humans anymore.”

“He’s dyslexic. He’ll throw it, but then he doesn’t know what to do.”

“I never thought I’d lose interest in fetch, but it’s just not the same when one of us throws it.”

“That boy of ours is going to be on top one day, dear. While all the other pups are fetching, he’s practicing his throw.”

My Personality Profile

My Myers-Briggs profile goes: Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving.

In my element

  • I focus on my vision of the big picture
  • Pursue new ideas optimistically
  • Identify future trends with uncanny ability

Out of my element, I’m depressed and withdrawn. Triggers are

  • Over-committed and tired
  • Attending to detail
  • Violation of values and principles

These things help

  • Meditation
  • Exercise, sleep, diet
  • Use thinking/feeling to lend perspective