Start The (Word) Presses

I’m thrilled to be teaching a Webinar, with Tracy Mueller, about how we put together an online magazine. (And viola! I’m a higher ed expert.)

The Webinar consists of two pieces: An hour live with Tracy leading with a managing editor’s perspective, and an hour of pre-recorded tutorial with me going through the technical steps.

I’ll post any additional resources here. Please ask any questions in the comments and I’ll respond below.

New Year's Resolutions 2010

  • 15 mins yoga and meditation in the morning, 15 minutes at night
  • drink more water and less alcohol
  • pull all my kids songs together into an album, Beginner’s Mind
  • chip away at FOK DUB
  • write book, use Web clients to refine book
  • be more present with people, focussed with tasks
  • rely on my system to structure my inspiration
  • double down on the blogs, mine, Anais’s…

Book Breakdown

“Digital Ambassador” could be broken down in many ways.

The whole thing started as a two part idea, manifesto for how to show up at Google’s party like a rockstar and the nuts and bolts of doing it. Part philosophy, part tutorial.

Philosophy could include: brand of you applied on the Web, listening strategies, how to play the networking game your way, recency-relevance-reference, the blog format as business card and living cv, technographic community awareness, finding your people, sharing your value.

How-to could include: set up your Google accounts, use them,  and appear on the front page, approach Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, post audio and video, set up a Blogger or WordPress blog, integrate your network activity, use media effectively.