Wayne's Aliens

Wayne’s Aliens, originally uploaded by everyday j.

This was a “Burger King Salutes Black History Month” calendar until my friend Wayne took an eraser and made aliens of them.


Ego’s – 1/6/06, originally uploaded by everyday j.

Here’s Karla, Doug, Alex, Me, Carlos, and Derrek, playing Ego’s lastnight. It was a great good time playing with all my friends. My favorite part was singing a swinging version of The Star Spangled Banner for sound check.

Goat with Oranges

Goat with Oranges, originally uploaded by everyday j.

Driving back from Sea Grove to Orlando this morning, we stopped at a fruit stand, and found some goats. This one posed for me.

Found on the Beach

Found On The Beach In Florida, originally uploaded by everyday j.

I’ve been walking along the beach here in Sea Grove, picking up shells, looking for sand dollars, with Maile and my folks. Thismorning we came across this strange, fantastic fish. I have no idea what it is, but it is beautiful.