Satellite or Slave? at the Carousel Lounge

Here are four songs I caught on my recorder the other night at the Carousel Lounge when Karla, Jessie, and Kim played as Satellite or Slave? Most people said slave. Sorry for the distortion on the audio. I’ll turn down the level next time.

magic 8 ball
satellite or slave

Satelite or Slave?
Jessie, Karla, and Kim: Satellite or Slave? at the Carousel Lounge, 2/12/09


Self-portrait Reflection

Making An Album: 1. Clarify Your Vision

I found a good list of questions to ask yourself when making an album that I’ve listed below. Here are some preliminary answers.

  1. Why do you want to make this album? How will this help your career?

    I’ve got lots of great songs waiting to be recorded and it’s been 4 years since I put out my last album. This album will put me on the map in Austin and give me a fresh online campaign to share my music.

  2. How are you going to market it? Who’s going to play it? Who’s going to buy it? Do you care?

    I’ll market it primarily online, through my site and social networking. KUT, KOOP, KVRX, and KGSR are my primary targets for local airplay. I’m more concerned with it getting out there than making money.

  3. A biggie– What degree of perfection/quality are you going for with this album, ie. what are you willing to settle for in order to save time and money during the recording process. If you can figure this out in advance of going into the studio, you’ll save a bundle.

    This is always where I get stuck. From looking at budgetary constraints it’s obvious I’m going to have compromise on a lot of my visions. It must sound good enough for radio. I think the cheapest way to achive hi-fi sound on my budget is to do almost all of it myself, recording drums in a studio.

  4. Develop a budget that’s in line with your answer to 3, remembering “Murphy’s law of recording.” The first 90% of a project takes 90% of the time, the final 10% takes the other 90% of the time.”

    My budget for this little beast is 1K that I’ve got saved to record, mix, and master, and I’m guessing about another 1K that I can save and raise for promotion in the second half of the year.


It’s now Feb. ’09, and I’m getting this year’s plan together for the jcouncil, so first thing to do is to take all of last year’s stuff and file it away, take a quick look back, and update the goal, strategy, and survey pages. I have posted last year’s pages below.

from the 2008 site:


With this site I will attempt to define my plan, gather feedback, and adapt. I spent the Fall researching and creating this plan. I owe a large part to the business strategies of three books: 1. The 4Hr Work Week by Tim Ferris 2. The Future of Music by David Kusek and 3. Making Money Making Music by Eric Beall. From these I took the following lessons.

  1. Focus on short-term goals and work ever smarter, not harder.
  2. The future of music is digital, where marketing and distribution are one.
  3. The best steady income, though slow to establish, is from licensing.
  4. Find your niche. The sharper the targeting, the more effective.

To keep the spirit of this site right, I refer to a quote from Making Music Make Money:

…the music business is such a constantly shifting landscape, with trends emerging and receding faster than any company can respond, that it may be best to keep your business plan fluid, with general strategies and flexible goals. If you want to put it down on paper, that’s great. But the important thing is to internalize your plan–so that you carry it in your head, constantly referring to is, reassessing and revising it as needed. – Eric Beall, Making Music Make Money p. 40

Thank you for looking through the site, and please take the survey when you’re done (tab-link at top).


My Dream Is To Be

Working backward from these broad goals, here is my idea of what they mean and what would indicate I was achieving them.

Inspired: Prolific Poet

Production Schedule

  • weekly song – write, produce, post song, story, versions, podcast
  • bi-annual show – great local gig with full band, production, and marketing
  • yearly album – best songs of the year, polished, packaged, promoted

by Jan 1

  • begin podcast

1 mos

  • weekly post – developing songs for next album, porch song
  • practice/record band to inform production
  • determine studio/recording needs

2 mos

  • post – share raw track with parts, get feedback
  • determine studio/recording options, make choice
  • get studio/players scheduled to record

3 mos

  • post – use solicited feedback to shape album choices?
  • finish recording all parts
  • work with designer on artwork

4 mos

  • mix, master
  • research and send to manufacturer

Recognized: Austin’s Best

Key Metrics

  • site analytics: hits, time spent on site, songs downloaded, new/returning visitors, subscribers to newsletter, podcast, rss
  • my contact list: number and quality of contacts; grow fans, but more importantly, grow industry contacts
  • press: print and online record review, articles, mentions, etc.; mp3 blogs
  • airlplay: local and national radio, internet stations; get played from light to heavy rotation; distribution/inclusion on any site or station like Rhapsody
  • screenplay: get on the soundtrack to anything on screen inlcuding films, TV, ads, online video, etc.

1 mos

  • tighten up and add to my contact list daily, get in the ‘keep-in-contact’ habit
  • find a good list manager system for keeping lists, sending/tracking emails
  • reposition my site for maximum conversion/interaction and tracking
  • begin sending my weekly email 1st Mon., Jan. 7th

3 mos

  • grow my list of 250 to 300
  • compile my list of Austin and online press
  • court local ASCAP, BMI, SESAC

6 – 9 mos

  • release my 2nd album to a packed Cactus CD release, best gig ever, record and post online
  • get reviewed in Austin Chronicle and 11 other publications (print or online)
  • get coverage on 12 mp3 blogs
  • get airplay and in-studio on KGSR, KUT, KOOP, KVRX
  • grow my list to 500 people

Professional: Music Income

In addition establishing an income stream, this first year is really about beginning to benchmark income and return on my investments, time and mony. The result will be an ongoing barometer for which of my efforts are paying off. I have begun to populate a hypothetical spreadsheet mostly to demonstrate the diversity of earning potential with revenue streams I want to develop.

Potential income broken down by revenue stream

income projections

As I have indicated, the two growth areas with the most potential seem to be, first, digital sales (of mp3s through my site, iTunes, or others) and, in the long-run, various licensing deals that produce a growing number of periodic royalty checks. I see a large part of what I am doing now as simply establishing a track record to make me attractive to industry folks. In the first few years income may not point anywhere near retirement, but this will be the equivalent of getting past the breakers, out to the ocean of opportunity.

Whether it is a deal with a record label or publishing house I seek, I must first make myself desirable and legitimate. I hear this played out and stated time and time again: If an artist can demonstrate a solid and growing list of fans, songs, albums, publicity, sales, venues, distribution, and licensing, they can impress the people who are looking for artists who are ready for the next level and worthy of their investment. These people appear much more attractive to the music biz. Not only does my success, however modest, as a business make me more attractive, but it means I am in better bargaining position when the deals get made.

6 mos

  • make $50 a month through digital distribution
  • set up my publishing office, business, materials
  • make one good industry contact a month

1 yr

  • make $100 a month through digital distribution
  • get one song published (album, film, etc.)

Please leave comments below.


produce songs > web presence > digital distribution & marketing > sales & licensing

Music/Marketing Mix

Roughly speaking I’m figuring I ought to split my time 50/50, music and marketing. Success hinges on a steady output of good new material. The first discipline I must learn is rigorous creativity, the fountain of my joy. If I can keep to the habit of creating, while working on the habit of recording and quickly producing a/v content on a weekly basis, that becomes the essence of what I can provide my audience. This will be the primary way I provide not just a product but an experience for an audience to be involved with. Freinds, fans, industry can watch and take part in the evolution of my songwriting.

Posting songs (videos, pictures, podcasts, favorites, stories, poetry) and updating fans replaces playing gigs as a more efficient way of gaining recognition and interest in this first stage of getting exposure and get discovered. Beyond becoming an Internet music-production and direct online-marketing machine, I need help from the music biz with digital distribution and publishing (getting my songs pushed and covered). The goal of the Internet-based marketing plan will be to get interest from the media/marketing industry and attract fans. A pinch of attention from the right review is worth a pound of fan interest. The goal of this phase will be to gather the type of attention that Doug did with NPR where awareness, hits, sales, shot up a thousand-fold.

Here’s the breakdown for how I spend my time and structure my approach.

  • Music Creation & Documentation – ‘In Studio’ & ‘Live’ a/v for online 10 hrs
  • Marketing 10 hrs/wk
    • Marketing/Distribution 5 hrs
      • Directly through my site – post a/v, rss, podcast, weekly newsletter
      • Through partner sites/services – iTunes, Rhapsody, Paste, Pitchfork, MP3 blogs, reviews
    • Publishing 5 hrs
      • Musicians – get covered by big artists
      • Music directors – movies, tv, games, ads

I want a rich, active connection directly to my Internet fan base as well as to my chief industry contacts.

Perhaps, as in the past, we can once again become part of the experience of music, rather than the static purchasers of it. We can be involved, we can cheer our favorite artist on, we can participate in events and react to them, and we can actually make a difference–as the audience or the creator, or both. This fits in nicely with a general trend in our society, of moving, step-by-step, from the “Information Society” via the “Knowledge Economy” to the “Experience Society,” as we will explore in this book–that is, from a place where we are mere recipients of a flow of data and information, as in the traditional media models, to a place in which a lot more value is being placed on experiencing things first-hand and unfiltered. p. 13

Digital Distribution

The real promise of the Web is to develop an online audience large enough to be my own marketer and distributer, cutting out all middle-men. I need to define and my brand presence enough to get attention that breeds more and more attention. To do this I need to balance the updating and promotion of my site with participation in other networks/communities, being an active member, getting feedback, fans.

This starts with direct marketing and distribution through my site. The first thing I’d like to do is re-work my site. I want it to quickly showcase what I do, to get people to sign-up for my list, the podcast, or rss feed. I want to grow my site traffic. If I can get people coming to me for music,

Next comes every fruitful partnership possible. This starts with the revenue from CDBaby’s direct digital sales and extends outward from iTunes to any site that can sell copies and give me a good cut. The circle quickly expands to mp3 blogs and other community networks.


Of course, the real steady money in the music business is in publishing, where songwriters, due to the compulsory mechanical royalty on all records sold and the revenues that flow from public performance, can often make a decent living over a reasonable period of time–nickels and dimes from a multitude of sources…Publishing and all kinds of licensing will likely be digital cash-cows for artists and writers, in the future even more so than today. p.108+110

Ultimately, this is probably my best bet for actually retiring comfortably. Though initially I will focus on making and releasing a new album, press and getting digital distribution growing, I want to set some simple goals for getting this up and running, the number of contacts I make per month, and one good song placement by the end of the year. Following the release of a new CD, I will have a new product to offer as soundtrack material. I need to set up my publishing business in time to promote the next CD onto the screen, discovering which type of screen that may be.

Barand New Day

I love new beginnings, and Obama’s call for renewal –and the official beginning of the Obama Era– is a great time to begin afresh again.

First of all, I want to read, re-read and remember for myself my three favorite parts of the Inaugural Ceremony –the speech, the poem, and the benediction– so I’m posting the video and transcripts of each below.

Two of the comments I’ve heard over and over about Obama come from my mom, “He works twice as hard as everyone else.” and my step-father, “He’s the smartest guy in the room.” These are telling comments about what each of them find most admirable, and perhaps why they are my values too.

As Obama campaigned I knew he could win, but not until he won did I realize that he’s a great new hero. When Obama won, I knew he could be a great president, but not until yesterday did I realize that to emulate him, it was time to finish growing up, to be an adult, to work harder and smarter.

I felt personal resonance in his new application of 1 Corinthians 3:11. “We remain a young nation, but in the words of Scripture, the time has come to set aside childish things.” As a student I was often bored or unengaged, getting by doing the least possible. But now, with a life filled to the brim with engaging projects and opportunities to contribute, the vestiges of these habits feel like my greatest limitations.

I woke up this morning, 36 years old, thinking about our hero Obama, “If he got to the top by 47, I can accomplish more of my dreams in the next ten years than I have imagined.” The recipe for success is to work smarter and harder.

For me, both of these seem to boil down to the self-discipline of setting goals, scheduling the work necessary, and working efficiently in the time allotted to accomplish them. Captain, my captain, I salute with renewed sense of responsibility and maturity.

Continue reading Barand New Day

O'nauguration '09, Oh Yeah!

Here is my first-hand report on the Inauguration of Barack Obama for Mrs. Hickey’s 5th grade class at the John Cooper School in Houston, TX.

Though I grew up in Washington, D.C. I have never been involved in a political campaign until last year when I became so impressed with the quality of Barack Obama that I began giving time (making phone calls) and money (little monthly donations) to his campaign.

When Obama won I danced for joy in downtown Austin –where I live now– with the hundreds that gathered to celebrate. But I didn’t want to miss the chance to dance with millions in the streets of my other hometown, so I took the week off from work and drove my pickup-truck for two days, 1500 miles.

Driving To DC

I made it to DC in time for the “We Are One” concert on Sunday afternoon to hear some of my favorite musicians like Stevie Wonder, U2, and many more. As my friends and I walked past the security gates we saw people and preparations everywhere.

One of the first things I noticed was a huge banner –it’s a little hard to see in this picture– that says “Welcome Malia and Sasha.” I thought that was really nice, and a sign of how excited people are to have kids in the White House too.

Inauguration '09

We passed another nice banner reading “Welcome Mr. President! Thank you Mr. President!” There seems to be a spirit of warmth and gratitude all around.

Inauguration '09

There also seemed to be a patriotic spirit everywhere; the building below took the prize for most flags. Have you ever seen so many flags on a building?! Their banner reads, “The Willard Intercontinental Salutes America’s 44th President.”

Innauguration '09

We walked in front of the White House, where they had constructed the Inaugural bleachers and boxes.

Innauguration '09

While the big banners were respectful and welcoming, some people stood in the street with a sign and a message, usually of protest. Nearby, I recorded this protester sing his sadness about the war in Iraq.
(19 seconds)
Inauguration '09

Many people took the opportunity to sell Obama-memorabilia, like this fellow, smartly selling scarves. It was cold!!!

Innauguration '09

The concert took place on the National Mall, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. But by the time we walked over there, it was jam-packed, so we stood a long-way off, beneath the Washington monument, watching the concert on the jumbo-tron they had set up. Look at all those people!

Innauguration '09

Here is the view behind me of people gathered around the Washington Monument. It was a cold, gray, overcast day, but the mood was excited and optimistic (though the young woman behind me doesn’t look too happy that I’m taking her picture).
Inauguration '09

And here is a quick video I took so you could see the sea of people. I’ve seen a lot of events on the National Mall, but nothing this big before.

360 View Of The Crowd At The “We Are One” Inauguration ’09 Concert from Jason Molin on Vimeo.

Innauguration '09
Behind us was a lively group of French-Americans (above) apparently singing a French pop song.
(4 minutes 16 seconds)
If you drag the play-head to 2:40 you’ll hear a French-American fellow answer my question about what this all means by saying we are coming back to an America of dreams, tolerance, and freedom.

Next to me an Asian-American fellow answered my question saying Obama means change; that we’re tired of Bush and hope for a new America.
(53 seconds)

Here are two white guys who answer by talking about this as a chance to clean up the mess that Bush and Cheney left and for the world to see us in a new light. They talk about this as a fulfillment of the civil rights movement of the 60s and that they are more hopeful than they’ve been in eight years.
(1 minute 15 seconds)

And here is my friend Rachel’s answer. In the first recording, when I ask, she’s not ready, but then in the second she gives a great answer about how she’s always heard about how previous generations came together, and that this feels like it is our ‘great moment’ to all work together and for each of us to find his/her role.
(17 seconds)
(44 seconds)

For the last song of the concert all the musicians gathered on the stage and Pete Seeger led the crowd (with Bruce Springsteen’s help) in a rendition of Woody Guthrie’s classic “This Land Is Your Land.” Being a great fan of Woody Guthrie and this song, I thought it was a perfect note to end on, perfectly aligned with Obama’s message that this is not about him, it’s about all of us. It’s a little hard to hear, because everyone was filing out, but lots of people were singing along.
(2 minutes 50 seconds)

On the way home, we went into an Inauguration super-store where I took my picture with cardboard Obama.
Innauguration '09

There were tons of t-shirts.
Innauguration '09

I thought this democrat donkey w/afro and hair-pic was pretty funny.
Innauguration '09

Mr. Cool
Innauguration '09

There were oodles of caps…
Innauguration '09

…historic headlines…
Innauguration '09

Innauguration '09

Innauguration '09

…flags, hats, stuffed animals…
Innauguration '09

…and inspired people ready to buy stuff!

I think my favorite souvenir was this beautiful, simple poster.
Innauguration '09

Walking home with everyone through the closed-off streets, there was a great sense of excitement and optimism.

Innauguration '09

Innauguration '09

I’m so glad I traveled from Texas, and for the assignment to report to you. I had a blast at the concert, and really enjoyed taking the chance to talk to people, document the event, and tell the story.