Seth Priebatsch’s Game Layer on Top of the World

Seth Priebatsch

I could not have been more impressed by Seth Preibatsch’s keynote at SXSWi (w/audio recording). A 21 year old who dropped out of Princeton after his first year, Seth started SVNGR, a location based service that makes checking in into a scavenger hunt and other games. His energy, presentation, insight, humor, and content were all right on. He wasn’t a smug, cynical hipster opportunist geek like so many presenters. He was humble enough for someone I expected to be brash.   He won me over from the beginning.

He said that in the last ten years we added the social layer to the web and in the next ten we’ll add the game layer. Then he went on to talk about all the stuff the game layer can fix, like education, by re-engineering motivations and rewards. Rewarding your participants is key for game makers, and your business is a game. It is by creating Epic Meaning for people that they become blissfully productive.

The first thing you’ll find when you flip through his slides are his ideas about how bad grades and failing are as motivations for school along with some suggestions for how we could have students level-up like a video game and remove some demotivation.

He had us play two games during the session. In the first he asked the audience to start clapping. They did, like applause. Then he asked them to synch up and clap a beat. They did in about 20 secs, it was a big crowd. He pointed out how quickly and easily a totally decentralized task can be accomplished

The second game was brought up in the context of how to solve global warming. Everyone had a colored card. The object was to trade cards while staying seated, and arrive at every row being a solid color. He gave them 2:30 to do it, and if they did, he would contribute $10K to a wildlife charity.

The audience accomplished the goal in 1:30 and he pointed out that the task was accomplished in a way that would have been impossible for a centralized government, that the hope of what the game layer can accomplish is taking an impossible problem and making it simply very difficult. All this from a 21 year old!

SXSWi 2010 Sketches and Notes


What did I learn at SXSW Interactive this year? I’ve had a few weeks to think about it, so here are my sketches and notes with some post-conference thoughts and conclusions.

There are lots of great videos at SXSW’s YouTube channel, but the long-tail goldmine is the podcasts of the interactive sessions which are slow to be posted, but which could occupy the entire year catching up on all the great stuff I missed.


To see my sketches and notes by session… Continue reading SXSWi 2010 Sketches and Notes

Sketches From TEDx Austin

McCombs sponsored the live feed of Austin’s first TEDx event and I’m a bit of a TED nut — frequently cueing up a TED talk during lunch or while I bounce the baby — so when I was offered a spot through work I was thrilled. Here below is the info from the TEDxAustin speaker’s page, along with my sketches and a few notes.

To use any of these images, just click the pic to goto Flickr where you’ll find multiple sizes and the embed code to make it easy.


To see my sketches of all the presenters… Continue reading Sketches From TEDx Austin

UT Social Media Collective (My Sketches And Notes)

Paul Walker, special assistant to the dean on social media, put together a day-long UT Social Media Collaborative event yesterday. Here are some notes from my sketchbook.

S. Craig Watkins
S. Craig Watkins

S. Craig Watkins author of “The Young and the Digital” asks, Has social media made us TOO social?

Continue reading UT Social Media Collective (My Sketches And Notes)

Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us

Derek Sivers told me to watch this, so I did. You should too.

My notes from the talk: Most sounds is accidental and unpleasant.

Four major ways it affects us:

  1. Psychological – breathing, heartrate, brainwaves
    12 cycles per minute is soothing – waves, sleepers breathing
  2. Psychological – music, birdsong, make you feel
    “Music is the most powerful sound there is.”
  3. Cognitive – can’t listen to two things at once.
    You are 1/3 as productivity in shared, noisy spaces.
    Inappropriate retail sounds decreases sales 28%.
  4. Behavior

Uses Soundflow to analyze (down-arrow) and create (up-arrow).


BrandSound Guidelines


BrandSound Guidelines

  • Brand voice
  • Brand music
  • Sonic logo
  • Advertising sound
  • Branded audio
  • Telephone sound
  • Soundscapes
  • Product sound

The four golden rules for commercial sound. Make it…

  1. Congruent (facing same direction or reduce impact up to 86%)
  2. Appropriate
  3. Valuable (give people something not just bombard them)
  4. Test and test again

Read Julian Treasure’s blog.