Our Tribes

I’ve been reading Tribes by Seth Godin, so I thought I’d try to state what our tribes are, plain and simple.

My wife Maile is leading the tribe of people who know that the right thing to do is to teach immigrants English at work.

I hope to help lead the tribe of artists and non-profits who want to use the Web to accomplish their missions, dreams. I’m a digital ambassador teaching anyone how to create a killer Web presence and connect effectively with their supporters.

Seth Godin on Music Business Radio

David Hooper -my favorite interviewer- with Seth Godin

I love Music Business Radio because it brings together everything I love, and particularly this episode with Seth Godin in which this new-world marketer applies his perspective to the music industry and how artists like myself should be be thinking.

As I biked home this evening I listened back to the podcast stopping to take a few notes to remember.

  • if you have the wherewhithall to put yourself out there, now is the time
  • every tribe needs a leader and there are plenty still looking
  • focus your output on the free and ubiquitous market or the scarce and precious market, but it’s death in the middle
  • concentrate on the ones that love you
  • don’t find listeners for your music, make music for your listeners
  • once you make that mental shift it changes everything about how you work
  • as an indie musician measure how many people would be delighted to hear from you