Q&A w/Jason Repko

7029_158141152957_623397957_2631379_5908563_sJason Repko encouraged me to develop my book idea. We had lunch and I advised him on creating a Web presence for himself. He agreed to help document the process from his perspective, exactly what I need to make sure this book answers the questions of the novice reader. Here’s what I advised, he asked in reply, and I answered. (I haven’t answered all the questions yet, but I will. And add others.)

Me: You need a site with blog. Get a host that supports (easily installs and upgrades) WordPress.

Q: Why in the world would I need a website?

A. It’s Google’s world. That’s where you need to show up as you want to be found. But you need to do more than show up, you need to be accurately and impressively portrayed. Don’t leave that to chance. Represent yourself. Google rewards recency, relevance, and referrals. So do people. You’ve got to have a site that was updated recently, is relevant to your interests, and is referred to from other sites, part of the Web.

Say someone is interested in you. Perhaps you’re applying for a job, or they heard about you through a friend or colleague, met you at a conference or saw something you had done. They want to know more about you. They Google your name. What do they find? Make sure they find you as you want to be found. Continue reading Q&A w/Jason Repko

Tim Ferriss On Blogging


Tim Ferriss talks about blogging (50 mins). Here are my notes:

  1. he has used WordPress from the beginning, 3 yrs
  2. Why blog? Why do you do anything? To love, be loved, and never stop learning.
  3. not for income, for access to people and resources: authority equates to access to important people, events, etc.
  4. For the full list of 40 tips… Continue reading Tim Ferriss On Blogging