We played Skinny’s Ballroom last night opening for Thomas Champagne. Here are some pics.
Woody Guthrie Resolutions and Wedding Blessing
Today is New Year’s eve 2011 and I found these resolutions of Woody’s last week. I love New Year’s resolutions and Woody, and as always he puts it perfectly, plain and simple.
- Work more and better
- Work by a schedule
- Wash teeth if any
- Shave
- Take bath
- Eat good — fruit — vegetables — milk
- Drink very scant if any
- Write a song a day
- Wear clean clothes — look good
- Shine shoes
- Change socks
- Change bed cloths often
- Read lots good books
- Listen to radio a lot
- Learn people better
- Keep rancho clean
- Don’t get lonesome
- Stay glad
- Keep hoping machine running
- Dream good
- Bank all extra money
- Save dough
- Have company but don’t waste time
- Send Mary and kids money
- Play and sing good
- Dance better
- Help win war — beat fascism
- Love mama
- Love papa
- Love Pete
- Love everybody
- Make up your mind
- Wake up and fight
Wedding Blessing
Speaking of Woody (and #30 on the list), my brother Pete called today to see if I had a copy of the Woody Guthrie quote that he read at our wedding. With his help I found it on the web in Joe Klein’s biography of Woody.
For me to bless your married life is like a cowboy trying to bless the sky. It is perfectly hung, perfectly balanced and perfectly blessed. Marriage is something bigger and greater than you or me and it is as durable as the sky which always remains clear and endless in spite of the clouds or planets that whirl and spin there. And since love is as endless and empty as the clear blue eternal sky, all of my blessings whether written or spoken or prayed would Fall short and not be Complete. But l ask you to look many days and many nights into that empty blue above your head, and I wish that same peace and that same power and that same balance and that same freedom, that same wealth, that same health, that same harmony and that same quietness and that same love in life that is birthless and deathless; I wish you nothing else. On the day of your marriage, in the season of your awakening, in the year of your new birth, in the land of your people . . . Woody Guthrie, Mary, all the children and all your friends.
More Custom Covers
Check out all the rad covers Chrysy made! Hers are the spray-paint, mine are the sharpie.
And checkout the animated gif that P made!
Custom Designed Cases Ship
Disks being mailed out now y’all!!! Each one custom designed.
FOK DUB CD Release Flyer
See the Facebook event for details and to RSVP.